Let be a finite set of points in the plane (not necessarily in general position). Two points
are visible if the line segment
contains no other point in
. The visibility graph of
has vertex set
, where two vertices are adjacent if and only if they are visible. An empty pentagon in
consists of 5 points in
that are the vertices of a strictly convex pentagon whose interior contains none of the points in
Consider the following three closely related classes of point sets:
point sets with no empty pentagon (called a 5-hole),
point sets with no 5 pairwise visible points,
point sets whose visibility graph is 4-colourable.
By definition, , and it is easy to show that
A key example of a point set in is the planar grid (intersected with a convex set so that it is finite): colour each grid point
. If
receive the same colour then
are both even, and thus the midpoint of
is a blocker. Hence the visibility graph of the grid is 4-colourable. [This result and proof is folklore.] Many other examples of point sets in these classes can be found in the references.
Consider the following open problems:
- \item Classify the point sets in

(i.e. list all examples; this is easy for point sets with no empty quadrilateral, or no 4 pairwise visible points).
\item Does the visibility graph of every point set in

\item Does the visibility graph of every point set in

\item Does the visibility graph of every point set in

Kára-Pór-Wood gave an example of a point set in with chromatic number
Z. Abel, B. Ballinger, P. Bose, S. Collette, V. Dujmovic, F. Hurtado, S. D. Kominers, S. Langerman, A. Pór, D. R. Wood. Every large point set contains many collinear points or an empty pentagon, Graphs and Combinatorics 27(1):47-60, 2011.
Eppstein, David. Happy endings for flip graphs. J. Computational Geometry 1(1):3-28, 2010. MathSciNet
Kára, Jan; Pór, Attila; Wood, David R. On the chromatic number of the visibility graph of a set of points in the plane. Discrete Comput. Geom. 34(3):497-506, 2005. MathSciNet
Pfender, Florian. Visibility graphs of point sets in the plane. Discrete Comput. Geom. 39 (2008), no. 1-3, 455–459. MathSciNet
Rabinowitz, Stanley. Consequences of the pentagon property. Geombinatorics 14:208-220, 2005.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.