Importance: Low ✭
Author(s): Wood, David R.
Subject: Geometry
Recomm. for undergrads: yes
Posted by: David Wood
on: December 14th, 2010
Problem   Classify the point sets with no empty pentagon.

Let $ P $ be a finite set of points in the plane (not necessarily in general position). Two points $ x,y\in P $ are visible if the line segment $ xy $ contains no other point in $ P $. The visibility graph of $ P $ has vertex set $ P $, where two vertices are adjacent if and only if they are visible. An empty pentagon in $ P $ consists of 5 points in $ P $ that are the vertices of a strictly convex pentagon whose interior contains none of the points in $ P $.

Consider the following three closely related classes of point sets:

$ A := $ point sets with no empty pentagon (called a 5-hole),
$ B := $ point sets with no 5 pairwise visible points,
$ C := $ point sets whose visibility graph is 4-colourable.

By definition, $ C \subseteq B \subseteq A $, and it is easy to show that $ A \neq B $ and $ B \neq C $.

A key example of a point set in $ C $ is the planar grid (intersected with a convex set so that it is finite): colour each grid point $ (x,y) $ by $ (x \bmod 2, y \bmod 2) $. If $ (x,y) $ and $ (v,w) $ receive the same colour then $ |x-v| $ and $ |y-w| $ are both even, and thus the midpoint of $ (x,y) $ and $ (v,w) $ is a blocker. Hence the visibility graph of the grid is 4-colourable. [This result and proof is folklore.] Many other examples of point sets in these classes can be found in the references.

Consider the following open problems:

    \item Classify the point sets in $ A $, $ B $, or $ C $
    (i.e. list all examples; this is easy for point sets with no empty quadrilateral, or no 4 pairwise visible points).
    \item Does the visibility graph of every point set in $ A $ have bounded chromatic number?
    \item Does the visibility graph of every point set in $ A $ have bounded clique number?
    \item Does the visibility graph of every point set in $ B $ have bounded chromatic number?

Kára-Pór-Wood gave an example of a point set in $ B $ with chromatic number $ 5 $.


Z. Abel, B. Ballinger, P. Bose, S. Collette, V. Dujmovic, F. Hurtado, S. D. Kominers, S. Langerman, A. Pór, D. R. Wood. Every large point set contains many collinear points or an empty pentagon, Graphs and Combinatorics 27(1):47-60, 2011.

Eppstein, David. Happy endings for flip graphs. J. Computational Geometry 1(1):3-28, 2010. MathSciNet

Kára, Jan; Pór, Attila; Wood, David R. On the chromatic number of the visibility graph of a set of points in the plane. Discrete Comput. Geom. 34(3):497-506, 2005. MathSciNet

Pfender, Florian. Visibility graphs of point sets in the plane. Discrete Comput. Geom. 39 (2008), no. 1-3, 455–459. MathSciNet

Rabinowitz, Stanley. Consequences of the pentagon property. Geombinatorics 14:208-220, 2005.

* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.


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