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Is Skewes' number e^e^e^79 an integer? ★★



Skewes' number $ e^{e^{e^{79}}} $ is not an integer.


Minimal graphs with a prescribed number of spanning trees ★★

Author(s): Azarija; Skrekovski

Conjecture   Let $ n \geq 3 $ be an integer and let $ \alpha(n) $ denote the least integer $ k $ such that there exists a simple graph on $ k $ vertices having precisely $ n $ spanning trees. Then $  \alpha(n) = o(\log{n}). $

Keywords: number of spanning trees, asymptotics

Sticky Cantor sets ★★


Conjecture   Let $ C $ be a Cantor set embedded in $ \mathbb{R}^n $. Is there a self-homeomorphism $ f $ of $ \mathbb{R}^n $ for every $ \epsilon $ greater than $ 0 $ so that $ f $ moves every point by less than $ \epsilon $ and $ f(C) $ does not intersect $ C $? Such an embedded Cantor set for which no such $ f $ exists (for some $ \epsilon $) is called "sticky". For what dimensions $ n $ do sticky Cantor sets exist?

Keywords: Cantor set

Subgroup formed by elements of order dividing n ★★

Author(s): Frobenius


Suppose $ G $ is a finite group, and $ n $ is a positive integer dividing $ |G| $. Suppose that $ G $ has exactly $ n $ solutions to $ x^{n} = 1 $. Does it follow that these solutions form a subgroup of $ G $?

Keywords: order, dividing

Giuga's Conjecture on Primality ★★

Author(s): Giuseppe Giuga

Conjecture   $ p $ is a prime iff $ ~\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{p-1} i^{p-1} \equiv -1 \pmod p $

Keywords: primality

Coloring the Odd Distance Graph ★★★

Author(s): Rosenfeld

The Odd Distance Graph, denoted $ {\mathcal O} $, is the graph with vertex set $ {\mathbb R}^2 $ and two points adjacent if the distance between them is an odd integer.

Question   Is $ \chi({\mathcal O}) = \infty $?

Keywords: coloring; geometric graph; odd distance

Cores of Cayley graphs ★★

Author(s): Samal

Conjecture   Let $ M $ be an abelian group. Is the core of a Cayley graph (on some power of $ M $) a Cayley graph (on some power of $ M $)?

Keywords: Cayley graph; core

Graph product of multifuncoids ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   Let $ F $ is a family of multifuncoids such that each $ F_i $ is of the form $ \lambda j \in N \left( i \right) : \mathfrak{F} \left( U_j \right) $ where $ N \left( i \right) $ is an index set for every $ i $ and $ U_j $ is a set for every $ j $. Let every $ F_i = E^{\ast} f_i $ for some multifuncoid $ f_i $ of the form $ \lambda j \in N \left( i \right) : \mathfrak{P} \left( U_j \right) $ regarding the filtrator $ \left( \prod_{j \in N \left( i \right)} \mathfrak{F} \left( U_j \right) ; \prod_{j \in N \left( i \right)} \mathfrak{P} \left( U_j \right) \right) $. Let $ H $ is a graph-composition of $ F $ (regarding some partition $ G $ and external set $ Z $). Then there exist a multifuncoid $ h $ of the form $ \lambda j \in Z : \mathfrak{P} \left( U_j \right) $ such that $ H = E^{\ast} h $ regarding the filtrator $ \left( \prod_{j \in Z} \mathfrak{F} \left( U_j \right) ; \prod_{j \in Z} \mathfrak{P} \left( U_j \right) \right) $.

Keywords: graph-product; multifuncoid

Atomicity of the poset of multifuncoids ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   The poset of multifuncoids of the form $ (\mathscr{P}\mho)^n $ is for every sets $ \mho $ and $ n $:
    \item atomic; \item atomistic.

See below for definition of all concepts and symbols used to in this conjecture.

Refer to this Web site for the theory which I now attempt to generalize.

Keywords: multifuncoid

Atomicity of the poset of completary multifuncoids ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   The poset of completary multifuncoids of the form $ (\mathscr{P}\mho)^n $ is for every sets $ \mho $ and $ n $:
    \item atomic; \item atomistic.

See below for definition of all concepts and symbols used to in this conjecture.

Refer to this Web site for the theory which I now attempt to generalize.

Keywords: multifuncoid

Cycle double cover conjecture ★★★★

Author(s): Seymour; Szekeres

Conjecture   For every graph with no bridge, there is a list of cycles so that every edge is contained in exactly two.

Keywords: cover; cycle

Upgrading a completary multifuncoid ★★

Author(s): Porton

Let $ \mho $ be a set, $ \mathfrak{F} $ be the set of filters on $ \mho $ ordered reverse to set-theoretic inclusion, $ \mathfrak{P} $ be the set of principal filters on $ \mho $, let $ n $ be an index set. Consider the filtrator $ \left( \mathfrak{F}^n ; \mathfrak{P}^n \right) $.

Conjecture   If $ f $ is a completary multifuncoid of the form $ \mathfrak{P}^n $, then $ E^{\ast} f $ is a completary multifuncoid of the form $ \mathfrak{F}^n $.

See below for definition of all concepts and symbols used to in this conjecture.

Refer to this Web site for the theory which I now attempt to generalize.


4-regular 4-chromatic graphs of high girth ★★

Author(s): Grunbaum

Problem   Do there exist 4-regular 4-chromatic graphs of arbitrarily high girth?

Keywords: coloring; girth

Perfect cuboid ★★


Conjecture   Does a perfect cuboid exist?


Forcing a $K_6$-minor ★★

Author(s): Barát ; Joret; Wood

Conjecture   Every graph with minimum degree at least 7 contains a $ K_6 $-minor.
Conjecture   Every 7-connected graph contains a $ K_6 $-minor.

Keywords: connectivity; graph minors

Funcoidal products inside an inward reloid ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   (solved) If $ a \times^{\mathsf{\ensuremath{\operatorname{RLD}}}} b \subseteq \left( \mathsf{\ensuremath{\operatorname{RLD}}} \right)_{\ensuremath{\operatorname{in}}} f $ then $ a \times^{\mathsf{\ensuremath{\operatorname{FCD}}}} b \subseteq f $ for every funcoid $ f $ and atomic f.o. $ a $ and $ b $ on the source and destination of $ f $ correspondingly.

A stronger conjecture:

Conjecture   If $ \mathcal{A} \times^{\mathsf{\ensuremath{\operatorname{RLD}}}} \mathcal{B} \subseteq \left( \mathsf{\ensuremath{\operatorname{RLD}}} \right)_{\ensuremath{\operatorname{in}}} f $ then $ \mathcal{A} \times^{\mathsf{\ensuremath{\operatorname{FCD}}}} \mathcal{B} \subseteq f $ for every funcoid $ f $ and $ \mathcal{A} \in \mathfrak{F} \left( \ensuremath{\operatorname{Src}}f \right) $, $ \mathcal{B} \in \mathfrak{F} \left( \ensuremath{\operatorname{Dst}}f \right) $.

Keywords: inward reloid

Odd cycles and low oddness ★★


Conjecture   If in a bridgeless cubic graph $ G $ the cycles of any $ 2 $-factor are odd, then $ \omega(G)\leq 2 $, where $ \omega(G) $ denotes the oddness of the graph $ G $, that is, the minimum number of odd cycles in a $ 2 $-factor of $ G $.


Odd perfect numbers ★★★

Author(s): Ancient/folklore

Conjecture   There is no odd perfect number.

Keywords: perfect number

Matching cut and girth ★★


Question   For every $ d $ does there exists a $ g $ such that every graph with average degree smaller than $ d $ and girth at least $ g $ has a matching-cut?

Keywords: matching cut, matching, cut

Strong 5-cycle double cover conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Arthur; Hoffmann-Ostenhof

Conjecture   Let $ C $ be a circuit in a bridgeless cubic graph $ G $. Then there is a five cycle double cover of $ G $ such that $ C $ is a subgraph of one of these five cycles.

Keywords: cycle cover