Determining which homology -spheres bound homology
-balls is a long standing open problem in 3/4-manifold topology. Much effort has gone towards understanding the situation for the Brieskorn homology spheres. For example, the Poincare Dodecahedral space is known not to bound a homology
-ball since the Rochlin invariant is non-trivial -- but
the connect-sum of Poincare Dodecahedral space
with its orientation-reverse does bound a homology 4-ball, and it has a simple construction: remove an open tubular neighbourhood of
, this is the
Standard invariants used to show homology -spheres do not bound homology
-balls are various spin or spin^c cobordism invariants such as: the Rochlin invariant, Siebenmann's
-invariant, the Oszvath-Szabo
-invariant, and there are many others.
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* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.