Let and
be (fixed) boolean lattices (with lattice operations denoted
, bottom element
and top element
I call a boolean funcoid a pair of functions
such that (for every
(Boolean funcoids are a special case of pointfree funcoids as defined in my free ebook.)
Order boolean funcoids by the formula
If this conjecture does not hold in general, does it hold for: a. atomic boolean lattices? b. atomistic boolean lattices? c. complete boolean lattices?
For the special case when and
are complete atomic boolean lattices, the conjecture easily follows from this math.SE answer.
See Algebraic General Topology for definitions of used concepts.
It is mostly solved:
It is not a complete answer, but the most important cases are considered. So I mark this question as solved. Further consideration however is welcome.
*First appeared as this math.SE question.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.