Criterion for boundedness of power series
Question Give a necessary and sufficient criterion for the sequence
so that the power series
is bounded for all

Consider a power series that is convergent for all
, thus defining a function
. Are there criteria to decide whether
is bounded (which e.g. is the case for the series with
for n odd)? Some general remarks:
- \item A necessary condition for

What you have then is a
On June 21st, 2012 Anonymous says:
What you have then is a polynomial, and any nonconstant polynomial function is unbounded.
Re: A necessary condition
On February 16th, 2011 Comet says:
I posted the above comment anonymously, but now I have created an account. "It seems the sum would be bounded if there are only finitely many non-zero a sub n; it is not apparent to me that a sub 0 be the only non-zero a sub n."
sin x = cos(pi/2 - x)
On June 21st, 2012 Anonymous says:
The sine function is in the class mentioned.
A necessary condition
It seems the sum would be bounded if there are only finitely many non-zero a sub n; it is not apparent to me that a sub 0 be the only non-zero a sub n.