Computational Complexity
Complexity of QBF(Bounded Treewidth) ★★
Author(s): Moshe Y. Vardi
Question What is the computational complexity of QBF(Bounded Treewidth)? Is it PSPACE-complete? In PTIME?
Keywords: bounded tree width; Computational Complexity; FMT12-LesHouches; QBF
Unsolvability of word problem for 2-knot complements ★★★
Author(s): Gordon
Problem Does there exist a smooth/PL embedding of
such that the fundamental group of the complement has an unsolvable word problem?

Keywords: 2-knot; Computational Complexity; knot theory
P vs. NP ★★★★
Problem Is P = NP?
Keywords: Complexity Class; Computational Complexity; Millenium Problems; NP; P; polynomial algorithm