Refuting random 3SAT-instances on $O(n)$ clauses (weak form) ★★★
Author(s): Feige
Conjecture For every rational
and every rational
, there is no polynomial-time algorithm for the following problem.

Given is a 3SAT (3CNF) formula on
variables, for some
, and
clauses drawn uniformly at random from the set of formulas on
variables. Return with probability at least 0.5 (over the instances) that
is typical without returning typical for any instance with at least
simultaneously satisfiable clauses.
Keywords: NP; randomness in TCS; satisfiability
Discrete Logarithm Problem ★★★
If is prime and
, we write
. The problem of finding such an integer
for a given
) is the Discrete Log Problem.
Conjecture There does not exist a polynomial time algorithm to solve the Discrete Log Problem.
Keywords: discrete log; NP
P vs. NP ★★★★
Problem Is P = NP?
Keywords: Complexity Class; Computational Complexity; Millenium Problems; NP; P; polynomial algorithm