funcoid corresponding to reloid
Funcoid corresponding to reloid through lattice Gamma ★★
Author(s): Porton
Conjecture For every reloid

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![$ \mathcal{X} \mathrel{[(\mathsf{FCD}) f]} \mathcal{Y} \Leftrightarrow \forall F \in \operatorname{up}^{\Gamma (\operatorname{Src} f ; \operatorname{Dst} f)} f : \mathcal{X} \mathrel{[F]} \mathcal{Y} $](/files/tex/2f0c7dbaa1a5747d9bca753501374e8cd2500318.png)

It's proved by me in this online article.
Keywords: funcoid corresponding to reloid
Restricting a reloid to lattice Gamma before converting it into a funcoid ★★
Author(s): Porton
for every reloid

Keywords: funcoid corresponding to reloid; funcoids; reloids