Several ways to apply a (multivalued) multiargument function to a family of filters ★★★
Author(s): Porton

1. The funcoid corresponding to this function (considered as a single argument function on indexed families) applied to the reloidal product of filters .
2. The funcoid corresponding to this function (considered as a single argument function on indexed families) applied to the starred reloidal product of filters .
3. .
Keywords: funcoid; function; multifuncoid; staroid
Graph product of multifuncoids ★★
Author(s): Porton

Keywords: graph-product; multifuncoid
Atomicity of the poset of multifuncoids ★★
Author(s): Porton

- \item atomic; \item atomistic.
See below for definition of all concepts and symbols used to in this conjecture.
Refer to this Web site for the theory which I now attempt to generalize.
Keywords: multifuncoid
Atomicity of the poset of completary multifuncoids ★★
Author(s): Porton

- \item atomic; \item atomistic.
See below for definition of all concepts and symbols used to in this conjecture.
Refer to this Web site for the theory which I now attempt to generalize.
Keywords: multifuncoid