Realisation problem for the space of knots in the 3-sphere ★★
Author(s): Budney
Problem Given a link
, let the symmetry group of
be denoted
ie: isotopy classes of diffeomorphisms of
which preserve
, where the isotopies are also required to preserve

Now let be a hyperbolic link. Assume
has the further `Brunnian' property that there exists a component
such that
is the unlink. Let
be the subgroup of
consisting of diffeomorphisms of
which preserve
together with its orientation, and which preserve the orientation of
There is a representation given by restricting the diffeomorphism to the
. It's known that
is always a cyclic group. And
is a signed symmetric group -- the wreath product of a symmetric group with
Problem: What representations can be obtained?
Keywords: knot space; symmetry