Consider the circuit to be color 1. And assume there is a 5-cycle cover containing this circuit as one of the cycles. We distinguish the cycles by color. Then and are colored with the same color (color 2) in the second cycle covering them, and similarly and have the same color (color 3) in the second cycle covering them. (As otherwise is colored twice by the cycle which, if allowed, quickly shows necessity of 6 colors)
Explanation of the 3-connected counterexample
Consider the circuit
to be color 1. And assume there is a 5-cycle cover containing this circuit as one of the cycles. We distinguish the cycles by color.
are colored with the same color (color 2) in the second cycle covering them, and similarly
have the same color (color 3) in the second cycle covering them. (As otherwise
is colored twice by the cycle
which, if allowed, quickly shows necessity of 6 colors)