Covering a square with unit squares

Alexander Soifer in [S] raises the question of the smallest number of unit squares that can cover a square of side
. He shows the asymptotic upper bound
, and the small values
, and
. He conjectures the asymptotic lower bound
[S] Soifer, Alexander, "Covering a square of side n+epsilon with unit squares," J. of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 113 (2006):380-383.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.
A flaw in the text of the conjecture
The square to cover is not a unit square.
A simple upper bound for Pi(n)
For any positive integer n: Pi(n) does not exceed sqr(n)+n+1 .
Sorry; please replace the last part by this:
Resulting upper bounds for n from 1 to 3
The given bound confirms the bounds for n=1 (3) and for n=2 (7) given by Soifer in [S] but improves the bound for n=3 (13 instead of 14).
Possibly further readings
The two articles listed below may be on the same topic but I can't get access even to the abstracts: [1] Title: A Sharper Upper Bound for Cover-Up Squared Authors: Dmytro Karabsh and Alexander Soifer Publication: Geombinatorics Quarterly Vol XVI, Issue 1, July 2006 Pages: 219 ff. (to 226 ?) [2] Title: Note on Covering Square with Equal Squares Authors: Dmytro Karabsh and Alexander Soifer Publication: Geombinatorics Quarterly Vol XVIII, Issue 1, July 2008 Pages: 13 ff. (to 17 ?)
A (currently) valid link to the referenced article
In the URL there has to be a tilde (ASCII code 126) between 'edu/' and 'faculty' instead of the visible blank.
A lower bound of the upper bound from polyomino-covering in [S]
instead of
In [S], Soifer derives
As he mentioned, one can improve the covering construction. Holding the square of side length
in the lower left corner, putting a square of side length
in the upper right corner, covering the remaining uncovered area by 2 polyomino-coverings of rectangles of sides
, removing useless unit squares in polyominos, we get a lower bound for the rhs of that inequality:
![$ (n-k)^2+k^2+2[[(k+1)(n-k)\frac{k^2-1}{k^2+k-\sqrt{2k+2}} ]] $](/files/tex/53e7346a9ad68ddeeebc33a5a499c0cd30365936.png)
Denote by
the minimal value of this expression when varying
from 2 to
Results of computer calculations:
For growing
(checked up to
), for the lowest optimal
seems to converge to 1, and
seems to converge to 3/4.