Cross-composition product of pointfree funcoids is a quasi-cartesian function (Solved)

Importance: Medium ✭✭
Author(s): Porton, Victor
Subject: Topology
Recomm. for undergrads: no
Posted by: porton
on: July 5th, 2012
Solved by: Porton, Victor
Conjecture   Cross-composition product (for small indexed families of pointfree funcoids between posets with least elements) is a quasi-cartesian function (with injective aggregation) from the quasi-cartesian situation $ \mathfrak{S}_0 $ of pointfree funcoids over posets with least elements to the quasi-cartesian situation $ \mathfrak{S}_1 $ of pointfree funcoids over posets with least elements.

This conjecture is unsolved even for product of two multipliers.

A theorem little weaker than this conjecture was proved. So despite formally the conjecture isn't solved I mark it as solved, as the most important special case is considered.

See this article for a proof.

See Algebraic General Topology for definitions of used concepts.


*Victor Porton. Algebraic General Topology

* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.