Monochromatic reachability in arc-colored digraphs
Conjecture For every
, there exists an integer
such that if
is a digraph whose arcs are colored with
colors, then
has a
set which is the union of
stables sets so that every vertex has a monochromatic path to some vertex in

In the particular case of tournaments (and more generally when the stabilty number of is bounded), it has been proved by Bousquet, Lochet, and Thomassé [BLT].
[BLT] Nicolas Bousquet, William Lochet, Stéphan Thomassé: A proof of the Erdős-Sands-Sauer-Woodrow conjecture,
[SSW] B. Sands, N. Sauer and R. Woodrow, On monochromatic paths in edge-coloured digraphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 33, (1982), 271--275.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.