Saturated $k$-Sperner Systems of Minimum Size

The power set of a set , denoted
, is the collection of all subsets of
. A collection
is said to be a
-Sperner system if there does not exist a subcollection
such that
; such a subcollection is called a
-chain. A
-Sperner system
is said to be saturated if for every subset
not contained in
, the collection
contains a
Gerbner et al. [1] proved that if , then every saturated
-Sperner System in
has cardinality at least
. Moreover, they conjectured that there exists a function
such that if
, then the minimum size of a saturated
-Sperner System in
has size
. This was disproved by Morrison, Noel and Scott in [2], who showed the following:

The value of which can be deduced from their proof is approximately
. Moreover, in [2] it was shown that there exists a function
and a constant
such that if
, then the size of the smallest
-Sperner System in
is asymptotically
. The problem stated here is to determine whether
A -Sperner system is called an antichain. As was observed in [2], a positive answer to the above question would follow from a positive answer to the following question:

A more general problem is the following:

[1] D. Gerbner, B. Keszegh, N. Lemons, C. Palmer, D. Palvolgyi, and B. Patkos, Saturating Sperner Families, Graphs Combin. 29 (2013), no. 5, 1355–1364. arXiv:1105.4453
*[2] N. Morrison, J. A. Noel, A. Scott. On Saturated k-Sperner Systems. arXiv:1402.5646 (2014). arXiv:1402.5646
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.