Noel, Jonathan A.

Weak saturation of the cube in the clique

Author(s): Morrison; Noel


Determine $ \text{wsat}(K_n,Q_3) $.

Keywords: bootstrap percolation; hypercube; Weak saturation

Extremal $4$-Neighbour Bootstrap Percolation in the Hypercube ★★

Author(s): Morrison; Noel

Problem   Determine the smallest percolating set for the $ 4 $-neighbour bootstrap process in the hypercube.

Keywords: bootstrap percolation; extremal combinatorics; hypercube; percolation

Saturation in the Hypercube ★★

Author(s): Morrison; Noel; Scott

Question   What is the saturation number of cycles of length $ 2\ell $ in the $ d $-dimensional hypercube?

Keywords: cycles; hypercube; minimum saturation; saturation

Cycles in Graphs of Large Chromatic Number ★★

Author(s): Brewster; McGuinness; Moore; Noel

Conjecture   If $ \chi(G)>k $, then $ G $ contains at least $ \frac{(k+1)(k-1)!}{2} $ cycles of length $ 0\bmod k $.

Keywords: chromatic number; cycles

Saturated $k$-Sperner Systems of Minimum Size ★★

Author(s): Morrison; Noel; Scott

Question   Does there exist a constant $ c>1/2 $ and a function $ n_0(k) $ such that if $ |X|\geq n_0(k) $, then every saturated $ k $-Sperner system $ \mathcal{F}\subseteq \mathcal{P}(X) $ has cardinality at least $ 2^{(1+o(1))ck} $?

Keywords: antichain; extremal combinatorics; minimum saturation; saturation; Sperner system

Partitioning the Projective Plane ★★

Author(s): Noel

Throughout this post, by projective plane we mean the set of all lines through the origin in $ \mathbb{R}^3 $.

Definition   Say that a subset $ S $ of the projective plane is octahedral if all lines in $ S $ pass through the closure of two opposite faces of a regular octahedron centered at the origin.
Definition   Say that a subset $ S $ of the projective plane is weakly octahedral if every set $ S'\subseteq S $ such that $ |S'|=3 $ is octahedral.
Conjecture   Suppose that the projective plane can be partitioned into four sets, say $ S_1,S_2,S_3 $ and $ S_4 $ such that each set $ S_i $ is weakly octahedral. Then each $ S_i $ is octahedral.

Keywords: Partitioning; projective plane

Choosability of Graph Powers ★★

Author(s): Noel

Question  (Noel, 2013)   Does there exist a function $ f(k)=o(k^2) $ such that for every graph $ G $, \[\text{ch}\left(G^2\right)\leq f\left(\chi\left(G^2\right)\right)?\]

Keywords: choosability; chromatic number; list coloring; square of a graph

Choice Number of k-Chromatic Graphs of Bounded Order ★★

Author(s): Noel

Conjecture   If $ G $ is a $ k $-chromatic graph on at most $ mk $ vertices, then $ \text{ch}(G)\leq \text{ch}(K_{m*k}) $.

Keywords: choosability; complete multipartite graph; list coloring

Mixing Circular Colourings

Author(s): Brewster; Noel

Question   Is $ \mathfrak{M}_c(G) $ always rational?

Keywords: discrete homotopy; graph colourings; mixing

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