Choice number of complete multipartite graphs with parts of size 4 (Solved)

For positive integers and
, let
be the complete
-partite graph in which every part has size
. For the definition of the choice number (list chromatic number) see the Wikipedia page.
Determining the choice number of seems to be a natural first step to obtaining a general bound on the choice number of graphs on a bounded number of vertices.
An old result of Erdos, Rubin and Taylor [ERT80] is that the choice number of is
. Ohba [Ohb02] conjectured a generalization of this result which was proved by Noel, Reed and Wu [NRW12] (also see [Noe13]): if
, then the choice number of
Kierstead [Kier00] proved that the choice number of is exactly
. The upper bound was generalized by Noel, West, Wu and Zhu [NWWZ13] to the following: if
, then the choice number of
is at most TeX Embedding failed!.}
More generally, Noel et al. [NWWZ13] proved that, for any graph , the choice number of
is at most
(also see [Noe13]). This implies the following:

A lower bound on the choice number of is given by Yang [Yan03]:

The problem was recently solved by Kierstead, Salmon and Wang [KSW14]. They proved that, surprisingly, the lower bound is tight for all

Naturally, we wonder whether this result can be generalised to all graphs on at most vertices. See this posting as well.

[ERT80] P. Erdos, A. L. Rubin, and H. Taylor. Choosability in graphs. Congress. Numer., XXVI, pages 125–157, 1980.
[Kie00] H. A. Kierstead. On the choosability of complete multipartite graphs with part size three. Discrete Math., 211(1-3):255–259, 2000.
[KSW14] H. A. Kierstead, A. Salmon and R. Wang. On the Choice Number of Complete Multipartite Graphs With Part Size Four.
[Noe13] J. A. Noel. Choosability of Graphs With Bounded Order: Ohba's Conjecture and Beyond. Master's thesis, McGill University, Montreal. pdf
[NRW12] J. A. Noel, B. A. Reed, and H. Wu. A Proof of a Conjecture of Ohba. Preprint, arXiv:1211.1999v1, November 2012. Webpage
[NWWZ13] J. A. Noel, D. B. West, H. Wu, and X. Zhu. Beyond Ohba's Conjecture: A bound on the choice number of -chromatic graphs with
vertices. Preprint, arXiv:1308.6739v1, August 2013. pdf
[Ohb02] K. Ohba. On chromatic-choosable graphs. J. Graph Theory, 40(2):130–135, 2002.
[Yan03] D. Yang. Extension of the game coloring number and some results on the choosability of complete multipartite graphs. PhD thesis, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 2003.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.