Aharoni, Ron
Strong matchings and covers ★★★
Author(s): Aharoni
Let be a hypergraph. A strongly maximal matching is a matching so that for every matching . A strongly minimal cover is a (vertex) cover so that for every cover .
Conjecture If is a (possibly infinite) hypergraph in which all edges have size for some integer , then has a strongly maximal matching and a strongly minimal cover.
Keywords: cover; infinite graph; matching
Aharoni-Berger conjecture ★★★
Conjecture If are matroids on and for every partition of , then there exists with which is independent in every .
Keywords: independent set; matroid; partition
Strong colorability ★★★
Author(s): Aharoni; Alon; Haxell
Let be a positive integer. We say that a graph is strongly -colorable if for every partition of the vertices to sets of size at most there is a proper -coloring of in which the vertices in each set of the partition have distinct colors.
Conjecture If is the maximal degree of a graph , then is strongly -colorable.
Keywords: strong coloring