Circular choosability of planar graphs

Importance: Low ✭
Author(s): Mohar, Bojan
Subject: Graph Theory
» Coloring
» » Homomorphisms
Recomm. for undergrads: no
Posted by: rosskang
on: August 23rd, 2012

Let $ G = (V, E) $ be a graph. If $ p $ and $ q $ are two integers, a $ (p,q) $-colouring of $ G $ is a function $ c $ from $ V $ to $ \{0,\dots,p-1\} $ such that $ q \le |c(u)-c(v)| \le p-q $ for each edge $ uv\in E $. Given a list assignment $ L $ of $ G $, i.e.~a mapping that assigns to every vertex $ v $ a set of non-negative integers, an $ L $-colouring of $ G $ is a mapping $ c : V \to N $ such that $ c(v)\in L(v) $ for every $ v\in V $. A list assignment $ L $ is a $ t $-$ (p,q) $-list-assignment if $ L(v) \subseteq \{0,\dots,p-1\} $ and $ |L(v)| \ge tq $ for each vertex $ v \in V $ . Given such a list assignment $ L $, the graph G is $ (p,q) $-$ L $-colourable if there exists a $ (p,q) $-$ L $-colouring $ c $, i.e. $ c $ is both a $ (p,q) $-colouring and an $ L $-colouring. For any real number $ t \ge 1 $, the graph $ G $ is $ t $-$ (p,q) $-choosable if it is $ (p,q) $-$ L $-colourable for every $ t $-$ (p,q) $-list-assignment $ L $. Last, $ G $ is circularly $ t $-choosable if it is $ t $-$ (p,q) $-choosable for any $ p $, $ q $. The circular choosability (or circular list chromatic number or circular choice number) of G is $$cch(G) := \inf\{t \ge 1 : G \text{ is circularly $t$-choosable}\}.$$

Problem   What is the best upper bound on circular choosability for planar graphs?

The problem was first posed in 2003 by Mohar (Problem 4 of link*) who suggested the answer should be between 4 and 5.

Some time later, Havet, Kang, Müller, and Sereni [HKMS] showed that in fact the answer is somewhere between 6 and 8. The upper bound extends a celebrated planar choosability proof due to Thomassen [T]. The lower bound is by way of an elementary, though rather large, construction.


[HKMS] F. Havet, R. J. Kang, T. Müller, and J.-S. Sereni. Circular choosability. J. Graph Theory 61 (2009), no. 4, 241--270.

[T] C. Thomassen. Every planar graph is 5-choosable. J. Combinatorial Theory B 62 (1994) 180--181

* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.