Chords of longest cycles ★★★
Author(s): Thomassen
Keywords: chord; connectivity; cycle
What is the smallest number of disjoint spanning trees made a graph Hamiltonian ★★
Author(s): Goldengorin
We are given a complete simple undirected weighted graph and its first arbitrary shortest spanning tree . We define the next graph and find on the second arbitrary shortest spanning tree . We continue similarly by finding on , etc. Let k be the smallest number of disjoint shortest spanning trees as defined above and let be the graph obtained as union of all disjoint trees.
Question 1. What is the smallest number of disjoint spanning trees creates a graph containing a Hamiltonian path.
Question 2. What is the smallest number of disjoint spanning trees creates a graph containing a shortest Hamiltonian path?
Questions 3 and 4. Replace in questions 1 and 2 a shortest spanning tree by a 1-tree. What is the smallest number of disjoint 1-trees creates a Hamiltonian graph? What is the smallest number of disjoint 1-trees creates a graph containing a shortest Hamiltonian cycle?
Keywords: 1-trees; cycle; Hamitonian path; spanning trees
Bigger cycles in cubic graphs ★★
Antichains in the cycle continuous order ★★
Author(s): DeVos
If , are graphs, a function is called cycle-continuous if the pre-image of every element of the (binary) cycle space of is a member of the cycle space of .
Hamiltonian paths and cycles in vertex transitive graphs ★★★
Author(s): Lovasz
Keywords: cycle; hamiltonian; path; vertex-transitive
Decomposing eulerian graphs ★★★
Faithful cycle covers ★★★
Author(s): Seymour
(m,n)-cycle covers ★★★
Author(s): Celmins; Preissmann