Seymour, Paul D.
Fractional Hadwiger ★★
Author(s): Harvey; Reed; Seymour; Wood




Keywords: fractional coloring, minors
Seymour's r-graph conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Seymour
An -graph is an
-regular graph
with the property that
for every
with odd size.

Keywords: edge-coloring; r-graph
Non-edges vs. feedback edge sets in digraphs ★★★
Author(s): Chudnovsky; Seymour; Sullivan
For any simple digraph , we let
be the number of unordered pairs of nonadjacent vertices (i.e. the number of non-edges), and
be the size of the smallest feedback edge set.

Keywords: acyclic; digraph; feedback edge set; triangle free
Seagull problem ★★★
Author(s): Seymour

Keywords: coloring; complete graph; minor
Seymour's Second Neighbourhood Conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Seymour
Keywords: Caccetta-Häggkvist; neighbourhood; second; Seymour
Bases of many weights ★★★
Let be an (additive) abelian group, and for every

Alon-Saks-Seymour Conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Alon; Saks; Seymour

Keywords: coloring; complete bipartite graph; eigenvalues; interlacing
Seymour's self-minor conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Seymour
Keywords: infinite graph; minor
Faithful cycle covers ★★★
Author(s): Seymour

Cycle double cover conjecture ★★★★