On-Line Ohba's Conjecture

The on-line choice number of a graph is determined by the following
-player game. We call the players Painter and Lister. Let
be an infinite set of colours.
Initially, every vertex of
is given a list
of colours. At the
th step of the game, Lister chooses a non-empty set
of vertices which are not coloured and, for each vertex
, the list of
is changed to
. Then, painter chooses a stable subset of
to colour with
If, at some step of the game, there is a vertex such that
is not coloured with
, then Lister wins the game. Otherwise, if every vertex is eventually coloured, then Painter wins. The on-line choice number of
, denoted
is defined to be the minimum
such that Painter has a winning strategy.
The on-line choice number was introduced independently by Schauz [Sch09] and Zhu [Zhu09].
It is clear that the on-line choice number is at least as large as the choice number; ie. . That is, if there is an assignment
of lists of size
such that there is no acceptable colouring, then Lister can simply play so that the resulting lists are given by
For choosability, Ohba [Ohb02] made the following conjecture, which was proved by Noel, Reed and Wu [NRW12]: if , then TeX Embedding failed!.}
The On-Line Ohba's Conjecture, proposed by Huang, Wong and Zhu [HWZ12], assumes a stronger bound on the number of vertices (namely, ). A result of Kim, Kwon, Liu and Zhu [KKLZ12] is that, for
, the complete
-partite graph with one part of size
parts of size
has on-line choice number
. Therefore, On-Line Ohba's Conjecture cannot be extended to graphs on
In [KSW14], it is proved that the complete -partite graph with parts of size
has choice number
, but on-line choice number at least
. It is also claimed that a computer check shows that
is the correct value for the on-line choice number (no formal proof is given).
Some partial results are known:

Presently, it is not known whether there is a real constant such that if
, then
[CLM+13] J. Carraher, S. Loeb, T. Mahoney, G. Puleo, M.-T. Tsai, and D. West. Three Topics in Online List Coloring. Preprint, February 2013.
*[HWZ12] P. Huang, T. Wong, and X. Zhu. Application of polynomial method to on-line list colouring of graphs. European J. Combin., 33(5):872–883, 2012.
[KSW14] H. A. Kierstead, A. Salmon and R. Wang. On the Choice Number of Complete Multipartite Graphs With Part Size Four.
[KKLZ12] S.-J. Kim, Y. S. Kwon, D. D.-F. Liu, and X. Zhu. On-line list colouring of complete multipartite graphs. Electron. J. Combin., 19(1):Paper 41, 13, 2012.
[KMZ12] J. Kozik, P. Micek, and X. Zhu. Towards on-line Ohba’s conjecture. Preprint, arXiv:1111.5458v2, December 2012.
[Noe13] J. A. Noel. Choosability of Graphs With Bounded Order: Ohba's Conjecture and Beyond. Master's thesis, McGill University, Montreal. pdf
[NRW12] J. A. Noel, B. A. Reed, and H. Wu. A Proof of a Conjecture of Ohba. Preprint, arXiv:1211.1999v1, November 2012. Webpage
[Ohb02] K. Ohba. On chromatic-choosable graphs. J. Graph Theory, 40(2):130–135, 2002.
[Sch09] U. Schauz. Mr. Paint and Mrs. Correct. Electron. J. Combin., 16(1):Research Paper 77, 18, 2009.
[Sch10] U. Schauz. A paintability version of the combinatorial Nullstellensatz, and list colorings of k-partite k-uniform hypergraphs. Electron. J. Combin., 17(1):Research Paper 176, 13, 2010.
[Zhu09] X. Zhu. On-line list colouring of graphs. Electron. J. Combin., 16(1):Research Paper 127, 16, 2009.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.