
World Of Tanks Blitz Gold Credits Cheats Generator 2024 (improved version) ★★


World Of Tanks Blitz Gold Credits Cheats Generator 2024 (improved version)


P vs. NP ★★★★

Author(s): Cook; Levin

Problem   Is P = NP?

Keywords: Complexity Class; Computational Complexity; Millenium Problems; NP; P; polynomial algorithm

Strong colorability ★★★

Author(s): Aharoni; Alon; Haxell

Let $ r $ be a positive integer. We say that a graph $ G $ is strongly $ r $-colorable if for every partition of the vertices to sets of size at most $ r $ there is a proper $ r $-coloring of $ G $ in which the vertices in each set of the partition have distinct colors.

Conjecture   If $ \Delta $ is the maximal degree of a graph $ G $, then $ G $ is strongly $ 2 \Delta $-colorable.

Keywords: strong coloring

Fasted Way! For Free Royal Match Coins Cheats Working 2024 Android Ios ★★


Fasted Way! For Free Royal Match Coins Cheats Working 2024 Android Ios


Fishing Clash Cheats Generator 2024 No Verification Android iOS (new method) ★★


Fishing Clash Cheats Generator 2024 No Verification Android iOS (new method)


Sequence defined on multisets ★★

Author(s): Erickson

Conjecture   Define a $ 2 \times n $ array of positive integers where the first row consists of some distinct positive integers arranged in increasing order, and the second row consists of any positive integers in any order. Create a new array where the first row consists of all the integers that occur in the first array, arranged in increasing order, and the second row consists of their multiplicities. Repeat the process. For example, starting with the array $ [1; 1] $, the sequence is: $ [1; 1] $ -> $ [1; 2] $ -> $ [1, 2; 1, 1] $ -> $ [1, 2; 3, 1] $ -> $ [1, 2, 3; 2, 1, 1] $ -> $ [1, 2, 3; 3, 2, 1] $ -> $ [1, 2, 3; 2, 2, 2] $ -> $ [1, 2, 3; 1, 4, 1] $ -> $ [1, 2, 3, 4; 3, 1, 1, 1] $ -> $ [1, 2, 3, 4; 4, 1, 2, 1] $ -> $ [1, 2, 3, 4; 3, 2, 1, 2] $ -> $ [1, 2, 3, 4; 2, 3, 2, 1] $, and we now have a fixed point (loop of one array).

The process always results in a loop of 1, 2, or 3 arrays.

Keywords: multiset; sequence

Switching reconstruction conjecture ★★

Author(s): Stanley

Conjecture   Every simple graph on five or more vertices is switching-reconstructible.

Keywords: reconstruction

Cooking Fever Cheats Generator Android Ios No Survey 2024 (NEW) ★★


Cooking Fever Cheats Generator Android Ios No Survey 2024 (NEW)


Seymour's r-graph conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Seymour

An $ r $-graph is an $ r $-regular graph $ G $ with the property that $ |\delta(X)| \ge r $ for every $ X \subseteq V(G) $ with odd size.

Conjecture   $ \chi'(G) \le r+1 $ for every $ r $-graph $ G $.

Keywords: edge-coloring; r-graph

Weak pentagon problem ★★

Author(s): Samal

Conjecture   If $ G $ is a cubic graph not containing a triangle, then it is possible to color the edges of $ G $ by five colors, so that the complement of every color class is a bipartite graph.

Keywords: Clebsch graph; cut-continuous mapping; edge-coloring; homomorphism; pentagon

Odd perfect numbers ★★★

Author(s): Ancient/folklore

Conjecture   There is no odd perfect number.

Keywords: perfect number

Counting 3-colorings of the hex lattice ★★

Author(s): Thomassen

Problem   Find $ \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} (\chi( H_n , 3)) ^{ 1 / |V(H_n)| } $.

Keywords: coloring; Lieb's Ice Constant; tiling; torus

Atomicity of the poset of multifuncoids ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   The poset of multifuncoids of the form $ (\mathscr{P}\mho)^n $ is for every sets $ \mho $ and $ n $:
    \item atomic; \item atomistic.

See below for definition of all concepts and symbols used to in this conjecture.

Refer to this Web site for the theory which I now attempt to generalize.

Keywords: multifuncoid

The robustness of the tensor product ★★★

Author(s): Ben-Sasson; Sudan

Problem   Given two codes $ R,C $, their Tensor Product $ R \otimes C $ is the code that consists of the matrices whose rows are codewords of $ R $ and whose columns are codewords of $ C $. The product $ R \otimes C $ is said to be robust if whenever a matrix $ M $ is far from $ R \otimes C $, the rows (columns) of $ M $ are far from $ R $ ($ C $, respectively).

The problem is to give a characterization of the pairs $ R,C $ whose tensor product is robust.

Keywords: codes; coding; locally testable; robustness

New-mathod! Free Bloons TD Battles Energy Medal Money Cheats 2024 (No Human Verification) ★★


New-mathod! Free Bloons TD Battles Energy Medal Money Cheats 2024 (No Human Verification)


Jurassic Park Builder Cheats Generator 2024 No Human Verification (Brand New) ★★


Jurassic Park Builder Cheats Generator 2024 No Human Verification (Brand New)


PTAS for feedback arc set in tournaments ★★

Author(s): Ailon; Alon

Question   Is there a polynomial time approximation scheme for the feedback arc set problem for the class of tournaments?

Keywords: feedback arc set; PTAS; tournament

Monotone 4-term Arithmetic Progressions ★★

Author(s): Davis; Entringer; Graham; Simmons

Question   Is it true that every permutation of positive integers must contain monotone 4-term arithmetic progressions?

Keywords: monotone arithmetic progression; permutation

Concavity of van der Waerden numbers ★★

Author(s): Landman

For $ k $ and $ \ell $ positive integers, the (mixed) van der Waerden number $ w(k,\ell) $ is the least positive integer $ n $ such that every (red-blue)-coloring of $ [1,n] $ admits either a $ k $-term red arithmetic progression or an $ \ell $-term blue arithmetic progression.

Conjecture   For all $ k $ and $ \ell $ with $ k \geq \ell $, $ w(k,\ell) \geq w(k+1,\ell-1) $.

Keywords: arithmetic progression; van der Waerden

Critical Ops Unlimited Credits Cheats IOS Android No Survey 2024 (FREE METHOD) ★★


Critical Ops Unlimited Credits Cheats IOS Android No Survey 2024 (FREE METHOD)


Strong edge colouring conjecture ★★

Author(s): Erdos; Nesetril

A strong edge-colouring of a graph $ G $ is a edge-colouring in which every colour class is an induced matching; that is, any two vertices belonging to distinct edges with the same colour are not adjacent. The strong chromatic index $ s\chi'(G) $ is the minimum number of colours in a strong edge-colouring of $ G $.

Conjecture   $$s\chi'(G) \leq \frac{5\Delta^2}{4}, \text{if $\Delta$ is even,}$$ $$s\chi'(G) \leq \frac{5\Delta^2-2\Delta +1}{4},&\text{if $\Delta$ is odd.}$$


Are there infinite number of Mersenne Primes? ★★★★


Conjecture   A Mersenne prime is a Mersenne number \[ M_n  = 2^p  - 1 \] that is prime.

Are there infinite number of Mersenne Primes?

Keywords: Mersenne number; Mersenne prime

Mastering Subway Surfers: The Ultimate Guide to Cheats, Hacks, and Generators ★★


Mastering Subway Surfers: The Ultimate Guide to Cheats, Hacks, and Generators


List Total Colouring Conjecture ★★

Author(s): Borodin; Kostochka; Woodall

Conjecture   If $ G $ is the total graph of a multigraph, then $ \chi_\ell(G)=\chi(G) $.

Keywords: list coloring; Total coloring; total graphs

Circular choosability of planar graphs

Author(s): Mohar

Let $ G = (V, E) $ be a graph. If $ p $ and $ q $ are two integers, a $ (p,q) $-colouring of $ G $ is a function $ c $ from $ V $ to $ \{0,\dots,p-1\} $ such that $ q \le |c(u)-c(v)| \le p-q $ for each edge $ uv\in E $. Given a list assignment $ L $ of $ G $, i.e.~a mapping that assigns to every vertex $ v $ a set of non-negative integers, an $ L $-colouring of $ G $ is a mapping $ c : V \to N $ such that $ c(v)\in L(v) $ for every $ v\in V $. A list assignment $ L $ is a $ t $-$ (p,q) $-list-assignment if $ L(v) \subseteq \{0,\dots,p-1\} $ and $ |L(v)| \ge tq $ for each vertex $ v \in V $ . Given such a list assignment $ L $, the graph G is $ (p,q) $-$ L $-colourable if there exists a $ (p,q) $-$ L $-colouring $ c $, i.e. $ c $ is both a $ (p,q) $-colouring and an $ L $-colouring. For any real number $ t \ge 1 $, the graph $ G $ is $ t $-$ (p,q) $-choosable if it is $ (p,q) $-$ L $-colourable for every $ t $-$ (p,q) $-list-assignment $ L $. Last, $ G $ is circularly $ t $-choosable if it is $ t $-$ (p,q) $-choosable for any $ p $, $ q $. The circular choosability (or circular list chromatic number or circular choice number) of G is $$cch(G) := \inf\{t \ge 1 : G \text{ is circularly $t$-choosable}\}.$$

Problem   What is the best upper bound on circular choosability for planar graphs?

Keywords: choosability; circular colouring; planar graphs

Primitive pythagorean n-tuple tree ★★


Conjecture   Find linear transformation construction of primitive pythagorean n-tuple tree!


Free Gta 5 Cheats Generator Pro Apk (2024) ★★


Free Gta 5 Cheats Generator Pro Apk (2024)


Large induced forest in a planar graph. ★★

Author(s): Abertson; Berman

Conjecture   Every planar graph on $ n $ verices has an induced forest with at least $ n/2 $ vertices.


Outer reloid of restricted funcoid ★★

Author(s): Porton

Question   $ ( \mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{out}} (f \cap^{\mathsf{FCD}} ( \mathcal{A} \times^{\mathsf{FCD}} \mathcal{B})) = (( \mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{out}} f) \cap^{\mathsf{RLD}} ( \mathcal{A} \times^{\mathsf{RLD}} \mathcal{B}) $ for every filter objects $ \mathcal{A} $ and $ \mathcal{B} $ and a funcoid $ f\in\mathsf{FCD}(\mathrm{Src}\,f; \mathrm{Dst}\,f) $?

Keywords: direct product of filters; outer reloid

Fishdom Cheats Generator 2023-2024 Edition Hack (NEW-FREE!!) ★★


Fishdom Cheats Generator 2023-2024 Edition Hack (NEW-FREE!!)


Dragon City Cheats Generator without verification (Free) ★★


Dragon City Cheats Generator without verification (Free)


Partial List Coloring ★★★

Author(s): Iradmusa

Let $ G $ be a simple graph, and for every list assignment $ \mathcal{L} $ let $ \lambda_{\mathcal{L}} $ be the maximum number of vertices of $ G $ which are colorable with respect to $ \mathcal{L} $. Define $ \lambda_t = \min{ \lambda_{\mathcal{L}} } $, where the minimum is taken over all list assignments $ \mathcal{L} $ with $ |\mathcal{L}| = t $ for all $ v \in V(G) $.

Conjecture   [2] Let $ G $ be a graph with list chromatic number $ \chi_\ell $ and $ 1\leq r\leq s\leq \chi_\ell $. Then \[\frac{\lambda_r}{r}\geq\frac{\lambda_s}{s}.\]

Keywords: list assignment; list coloring

FarmVille 2 Cheats Coins Farm Bucks Generator Tested on iOS and Android (Latest Method) ★★


FarmVille 2 Cheats Coins Farm Bucks Generator Tested on iOS and Android (Latest Method)


War Dragons Rubies Cheats 2024 (re-designed) ★★


War Dragons Rubies Cheats 2024 (re-designed)


Direct product of reloids is a complete lattice homomorphism ★★




Complete bipartite subgraphs of perfect graphs ★★

Author(s): Fox

Problem   Let $ G $ be a perfect graph on $ n $ vertices. Is it true that either $ G $ or $ \bar{G} $ contains a complete bipartite subgraph with bipartition $ (A,B) $ so that $ |A|, |B| \ge n^{1 - o(1)} $?

Keywords: perfect graph

Call Of Duty Mobile Cheats Generator 2024 (LEGIT) ★★


Call Of Duty Mobile Cheats Generator 2024 (LEGIT)


Dice Dreams Cheats Generator Free Unlimited Cheats Generator (LATEST) ★★


Dice Dreams Cheats Generator Free Unlimited Cheats Generator (LATEST)


Nowhere-zero flows ★★


Nowhere-zero flows


War Thunder Golden Eagles Generator Working Cheats (refreshed version) ★★


War Thunder Golden Eagles Generator Working Cheats (refreshed version)


Hall-Paige conjecture (Solved) ★★


Hall-Paige conjecture (Solved)


Family Island Cheats Generator Pro Apk (Android Ios) ★★


Family Island Cheats Generator Pro Apk (Android Ios)


Rendezvous on a line ★★★

Author(s): Alpern

Problem   Two players start at a distance of 2 on an (undirected) line (so, neither player knows the direction of the other) and both move at a maximum speed of 1. What is the infimum expected meeting time $ R $ (first time when the players occupy the same point) which can be achieved assuming the two players must adopt the same strategy?

Keywords: game theory; optimization; rendezvous

Jurassic Park Builder Cheats Generator No Human Verification No Survey (Method 2024) ★★


Jurassic Park Builder Cheats Generator No Human Verification No Survey (Method 2024)


Colouring the square of a planar graph ★★

Author(s): Wegner

Conjecture   Let $ G $ be a planar graph of maximum degree $ \Delta $. The chromatic number of its square is
    \item at most $ 7 $ if $ \Delta =3 $, \item at most $ \Delta+5 $ if $ 4\leq\Delta\leq 7 $, \item at most $ \left\lfloor\frac32\,\Delta\right\rfloor+1 $ if $ \Delta\ge8 $.


The Riemann Hypothesis ★★★★

Author(s): Riemann

The zeroes of the Riemann zeta function that are inside the Critical Strip (i.e. the vertical strip of the complex plane where the real part of the complex variable is in ]0;1[), are actually located on the Critical line ( the vertical line of the complex plane with real part equal to 1/2)

Keywords: Millenium Problems; zeta

Universal point sets for planar graphs ★★★

Author(s): Mohar

We say that a set $ P \subseteq {\mathbb R}^2 $ is $ n $-universal if every $ n $ vertex planar graph can be drawn in the plane so that each vertex maps to a distinct point in $ P $, and all edges are (non-intersecting) straight line segments.

Question   Does there exist an $ n $-universal set of size $ O(n) $?

Keywords: geometric graph; planar graph; universal set

The Sims Mobile Cheats Generator 2024 New Working Cheats Generator (New Method) ★★


The Sims Mobile Cheats Generator 2024 New Working Cheats Generator (New Method)


Almost all non-Hamiltonian 3-regular graphs are 1-connected ★★

Author(s): Haythorpe

Conjecture   Denote by $ NH(n) $ the number of non-Hamiltonian 3-regular graphs of size $ 2n $, and similarly denote by $ NHB(n) $ the number of non-Hamiltonian 3-regular 1-connected graphs of size $ 2n $.

Is it true that $ \lim\limits_{n \rightarrow \infty} \displaystyle\frac{NHB(n)}{NH(n)} = 1 $?

Keywords: Hamiltonian, Bridge, 3-regular, 1-connected

List Colourings of Complete Multipartite Graphs with 2 Big Parts ★★

Author(s): Allagan

Question   Given $ a,b\geq2 $, what is the smallest integer $ t\geq0 $ such that $ \chi_\ell(K_{a,b}+K_t)= \chi(K_{a,b}+K_t) $?

Keywords: complete bipartite graph; complete multipartite graph; list coloring