
The Bollobás-Eldridge-Catlin Conjecture on graph packing ★★★


Conjecture  (BEC-conjecture)   If $ G_1 $ and $ G_2 $ are $ n $-vertex graphs and $ (\Delta(G_1) + 1) (\Delta(G_2) + 1) < n + 1 $, then $ G_1 $ and $ G_2 $ pack.

Keywords: graph packing

Kriesell's Conjecture ★★

Author(s): Kriesell

Conjecture   Let $ G $ be a graph and let $ T\subseteq V(G) $ such that for any pair $ u,v\in T $ there are $ 2k $ edge-disjoint paths from $ u $ to $ v $ in $ G $. Then $ G $ contains $ k $ edge-disjoint trees, each of which contains $ T $.

Keywords: Disjoint paths; edge-connectivity; spanning trees

Which lattices occur as intervals in subgroup lattices of finite groups? ★★★★



There exists a finite lattice that is not an interval in the subgroup lattice of a finite group.

Keywords: congruence lattice; finite groups

Circular flow number of regular class 1 graphs ★★

Author(s): Steffen

A nowhere-zero $ r $-flow $ (D(G),\phi) $ on $ G $ is an orientation $ D $ of $ G $ together with a function $ \phi $ from the edge set of $ G $ into the real numbers such that $ 1 \leq |\phi(e)| \leq r-1 $, for all $ e \in E(G) $, and $ \sum_{e \in E^+(v)}\phi(e) = \sum_{e \in E^-(v)}\phi(e), \textrm{ for all } v \in V(G) $. The circular flow number of $ G $ is inf$ \{ r | G $ has a nowhere-zero $ r $-flow $ \} $, and it is denoted by $ F_c(G) $.

A graph with maximum vertex degree $ k $ is a class 1 graph if its edge chromatic number is $ k $.

Conjecture   Let $ t \geq 1 $ be an integer and $ G $ a $ (2t+1) $-regular graph. If $ G $ is a class 1 graph, then $ F_c(G) \leq 2 + \frac{2}{t} $.

Keywords: nowhere-zero flow, edge-colorings, regular graphs

Frobenius number of four or more integers ★★


Problem   Find an explicit formula for Frobenius number $ g(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n) $ of co-prime positive integers $ a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n $ for $ n\geq 4 $.


Large induced forest in a planar graph. ★★

Author(s): Abertson; Berman

Conjecture   Every planar graph on $ n $ verices has an induced forest with at least $ n/2 $ vertices.


S(S(f)) = S(f) for reloids ★★

Author(s): Porton

Question   $ S(S(f)) = S(f) $ for every endo-reloid $ f $?

Keywords: reloid

Slice-ribbon problem ★★★★

Author(s): Fox

Conjecture   Given a knot in $ S^3 $ which is slice, is it a ribbon knot?

Keywords: cobordism; knot; ribbon; slice

Nearly spanning regular subgraphs ★★★

Author(s): Alon; Mubayi

Conjecture   For every $ \epsilon > 0 $ and every positive integer $ k $, there exists $ r_0 = r_0(\epsilon,k) $ so that every simple $ r $-regular graph $ G $ with $ r \ge r_0 $ has a $ k $-regular subgraph $ H $ with $ |V(H)| \ge (1- \epsilon) |V(G)| $.

Keywords: regular; subgraph

Dividing up the unrestricted partitions ★★

Author(s): David S.; Newman

Begin with the generating function for unrestricted partitions:


Now change some of the plus signs to minus signs. The resulting series will have coefficients congruent, mod 2, to the coefficients of the generating series for unrestricted partitions. I conjecture that the signs may be chosen such that all the coefficients of the series are either 1, -1, or zero.

Keywords: congruence properties; partition

Woodall's Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Woodall

Conjecture   If $ G $ is a directed graph with smallest directed cut of size $ k $, then $ G $ has $ k $ disjoint dijoins.

Keywords: digraph; packing

Antidirected trees in digraphs ★★

Author(s): Addario-Berry; Havet; Linhares Sales; Reed; Thomassé

An antidirected tree is an orientation of a tree in which every vertex has either indegree 0 or outdergree 0.

Conjecture   Let $ D $ be a digraph. If $ |A(D)| > (k-2) |V(D)| $, then $ D $ contains every antidirected tree of order $ k $.


2-accessibility of primes ★★

Author(s): Landman; Robertson

Question   Is the set of prime numbers 2-accessible?

Keywords: monochromatic diffsequences; primes

Hamiltonian cycles in powers of infinite graphs ★★

Author(s): Georgakopoulos

    \item If $ G $ is a countable connected graph then its third power is hamiltonian. \item If $ G $ is a 2-connected countable graph then its square is hamiltonian.

Keywords: hamiltonian; infinite graph

Jones' conjecture ★★

Author(s): Kloks; Lee; Liu

For a graph $ G $, let $ cp(G) $ denote the cardinality of a maximum cycle packing (collection of vertex disjoint cycles) and let $ cc(G) $ denote the cardinality of a minimum feedback vertex set (set of vertices $ X $ so that $ G-X $ is acyclic).

Conjecture   For every planar graph $ G $, $ cc(G)\leq 2cp(G) $.

Keywords: cycle packing; feedback vertex set; planar graph

Ramsey properties of Cayley graphs ★★★

Author(s): Alon

Conjecture   There exists a fixed constant $ c $ so that every abelian group $ G $ has a subset $ S \subseteq G $ with $ -S = S $ so that the Cayley graph $ {\mathit Cayley}(G,S) $ has no clique or independent set of size $ > c \log |G| $.

Keywords: Cayley graph; Ramsey number

Reed's omega, delta, and chi conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Reed

For a graph $ G $, we define $ \Delta(G) $ to be the maximum degree, $ \omega(G) $ to be the size of the largest clique subgraph, and $ \chi(G) $ to be the chromatic number of $ G $.

Conjecture   $ \chi(G) \le \ceil{\frac{1}{2}(\Delta(G)+1) + \frac{1}{2}\omega(G)} $ for every graph $ G $.

Keywords: coloring

57-regular Moore graph? ★★★

Author(s): Hoffman; Singleton

Question   Does there exist a 57-regular graph with diameter 2 and girth 5?

Keywords: cage; Moore graph

Sidorenko's Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Sidorenko

Conjecture   For any bipartite graph $ H $ and graph $ G $, the number of homomorphisms from $ H $ to $ G $ is at least $ \left(\frac{2|E(G)|}{|V(G)|^2}\right)^{|E(H)|}|V(G)|^{|V(H)|} $.

Keywords: density problems; extremal combinatorics; homomorphism

Invariant subspace problem ★★★


Problem   Does every bounded linear operator on an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space have a non-trivial closed invariant subspace?

Keywords: subspace

Birch & Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture ★★★★


Conjecture   Let $ E/K $ be an elliptic curve over a number field $ K $. Then the order of the zeros of its $ L $-function, $ L(E, s) $, at $ s = 1 $ is the Mordell-Weil rank of $ E(K) $.


Finding k-edge-outerplanar graph embeddings ★★

Author(s): Bentz

Conjecture   It has been shown that a $ k $-outerplanar embedding for which $ k $ is minimal can be found in polynomial time. Does a similar result hold for $ k $-edge-outerplanar graphs?

Keywords: planar graph; polynomial algorithm

Minimum number of arc-disjoint transitive subtournaments of order 3 in a tournament ★★

Author(s): Yuster

Conjecture   If $ T $ is a tournament of order $ n $, then it contains $ \left \lceil n(n-1)/6 - n/3\right\rceil $ arc-disjoint transitive subtournaments of order 3.


Are almost all graphs determined by their spectrum? ★★★


Problem   Are almost all graphs uniquely determined by the spectrum of their adjacency matrix?

Keywords: cospectral; graph invariant; spectrum

Twin prime conjecture ★★★★


Conjecture   There exist infinitely many positive integers $ n $ so that both $ n $ and $ n+2 $ are prime.

Keywords: prime; twin prime

Antichains in the cycle continuous order ★★

Author(s): DeVos

If $ G $,$ H $ are graphs, a function $ f : E(G) \rightarrow E(H) $ is called cycle-continuous if the pre-image of every element of the (binary) cycle space of $ H $ is a member of the cycle space of $ G $.

Problem   Does there exist an infinite set of graphs $ \{G_1,G_2,\ldots \} $ so that there is no cycle continuous mapping between $ G_i $ and $ G_j $ whenever $ i \neq j $ ?

Keywords: antichain; cycle; poset

F_d versus F_{d+1} ★★★

Author(s): Krajicek

Problem   Find a constant $ k $ such that for any $ d $ there is a sequence of tautologies of depth $ k $ that have polynomial (or quasi-polynomial) size proofs in depth $ d+1 $ Frege system $ F_{d+1} $ but requires exponential size $ F_d $ proofs.

Keywords: Frege system; short proof

Waring rank of determinant ★★

Author(s): Teitler

Question   What is the Waring rank of the determinant of a $ d \times d $ generic matrix?

For simplicity say we work over the complex numbers. The $ d \times d $ generic matrix is the matrix with entries $ x_{i,j} $ for $ 1 \leq i,j \leq d $. Its determinant is a homogeneous form of degree $ d $, in $ d^2 $ variables. If $ F $ is a homogeneous form of degree $ d $, a power sum expression for $ F $ is an expression of the form $ F = \ell_1^d+\dotsb+\ell_r^d $, the $ \ell_i $ (homogeneous) linear forms. The Waring rank of $ F $ is the least number of terms $ r $ in any power sum expression for $ F $. For example, the expression $ xy = \frac{1}{4}(x+y)^2 - \frac{1}{4}(x-y)^2 $ means that $ xy $ has Waring rank $ 2 $ (it can't be less than $ 2 $, as $ xy \neq \ell_1^2 $).

The $ 2 \times 2 $ generic determinant $ x_{1,1}x_{2,2}-x_{1,2}x_{2,1} $ (or $ ad-bc $) has Waring rank $ 4 $. The Waring rank of the $ 3 \times 3 $ generic determinant is at least $ 14 $ and no more than $ 20 $, see for instance Lower bound for ranks of invariant forms, Example 4.1. The Waring rank of the permanent is also of interest. The comparison between the determinant and permanent is potentially relevant to Valiant's "VP versus VNP" problem.

Keywords: Waring rank, determinant

Average diameter of a bounded cell of a simple arrangement ★★

Author(s): Deza; Terlaky; Zinchenko

Conjecture   The average diameter of a bounded cell of a simple arrangement defined by $ n $ hyperplanes in dimension $ d $ is not greater than $ d $.

Keywords: arrangement; diameter; polytope

Degenerate colorings of planar graphs ★★★

Author(s): Borodin

A graph $ G $ is $ k $-degenerate if every subgraph of $ G $ has a vertex of degree $ \le k $.

Conjecture   Every simple planar graph has a 5-coloring so that for $ 1 \le k \le 4 $, the union of any $ k $ color classes induces a $ (k-1) $-degenerate graph.

Keywords: coloring; degenerate; planar

A generalization of Vizing's Theorem? ★★

Author(s): Rosenfeld

Conjecture   Let $ H $ be a simple $ d $-uniform hypergraph, and assume that every set of $ d-1 $ points is contained in at most $ r $ edges. Then there exists an $ r+d-1 $-edge-coloring so that any two edges which share $ d-1 $ vertices have distinct colors.

Keywords: edge-coloring; hypergraph; Vizing

Vertex Coloring of graph fractional powers ★★★

Author(s): Iradmusa

Conjecture   Let $ G $ be a graph and $ k $ be a positive integer. The $ k- $power of $ G $, denoted by $ G^k $, is defined on the vertex set $ V(G) $, by connecting any two distinct vertices $ x $ and $ y $ with distance at most $ k $. In other words, $ E(G^k)=\{xy:1\leq d_G(x,y)\leq k\} $. Also $ k- $subdivision of $ G $, denoted by $ G^\frac{1}{k} $, is constructed by replacing each edge $ ij $ of $ G $ with a path of length $ k $. Note that for $ k=1 $, we have $ G^\frac{1}{1}=G^1=G $.
Now we can define the fractional power of a graph as follows:
Let $ G $ be a graph and $ m,n\in \mathbb{N} $. The graph $ G^{\frac{m}{n}} $ is defined by the $ m- $power of the $ n- $subdivision of $ G $. In other words $ G^{\frac{m}{n}}\isdef (G^{\frac{1}{n}})^m $.
Conjecture. Let $ G $ be a connected graph with $ \Delta(G)\geq3 $ and $ m $ be a positive integer greater than 1. Then for any positive integer $ n>m $, we have $ \chi(G^{\frac{m}{n}})=\omega(G^\frac{m}{n}) $.
In [1], it was shown that this conjecture is true in some special cases.

Keywords: chromatic number, fractional power of graph, clique number

Magic square of squares ★★

Author(s): LaBar

Question   Does there exist a $ 3\times 3 $ magic square composed of distinct perfect squares?


Real roots of the flow polynomial ★★

Author(s): Welsh

Conjecture   All real roots of nonzero flow polynomials are at most 4.

Keywords: flow polynomial; nowhere-zero flow

Strong colorability ★★★

Author(s): Aharoni; Alon; Haxell

Let $ r $ be a positive integer. We say that a graph $ G $ is strongly $ r $-colorable if for every partition of the vertices to sets of size at most $ r $ there is a proper $ r $-coloring of $ G $ in which the vertices in each set of the partition have distinct colors.

Conjecture   If $ \Delta $ is the maximal degree of a graph $ G $, then $ G $ is strongly $ 2 \Delta $-colorable.

Keywords: strong coloring

Random stable roommates ★★

Author(s): Mertens

Conjecture   The probability that a random instance of the stable roommates problem on $ n \in 2{\mathbb N} $ people admits a solution is $ \Theta( n ^{-1/4} ) $.

Keywords: stable marriage; stable roommates

Erdős–Faber–Lovász conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Erdos; Faber; Lovasz

Conjecture   If $ G $ is a simple graph which is the union of $ k $ pairwise edge-disjoint complete graphs, each of which has $ k $ vertices, then the chromatic number of $ G $ is $ k $.

Keywords: chromatic number

List chromatic number and maximum degree of bipartite graphs ★★

Author(s): Alon

Conjecture   There is a constant $ c $ such that the list chromatic number of any bipartite graph $ G $ of maximum degree $ \Delta $ is at most $ c \log \Delta $.


Kneser–Poulsen conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Kneser; Poulsen

Conjecture   If a finite set of unit balls in $ \mathbb{R}^n $ is rearranged so that the distance between each pair of centers does not decrease, then the volume of the union of the balls does not decrease.

Keywords: pushing disks

Every prism over a 3-connected planar graph is hamiltonian. ★★

Author(s): Kaiser; Král; Rosenfeld; Ryjácek; Voss

Conjecture   If $ G $ is a $ 3 $-connected planar graph, then $ G\square K_2 $ has a Hamilton cycle.


Universal Steiner triple systems ★★

Author(s): Grannell; Griggs; Knor; Skoviera

Problem   Which Steiner triple systems are universal?

Keywords: cubic graph; Steiner triple system

Domination in cubic graphs ★★

Author(s): Reed

Problem   Does every 3-connected cubic graph $ G $ satisfy $ \gamma(G) \le \lceil |G|/3 \rceil $ ?

Keywords: cubic graph; domination

Extremal $4$-Neighbour Bootstrap Percolation in the Hypercube ★★

Author(s): Morrison; Noel

Problem   Determine the smallest percolating set for the $ 4 $-neighbour bootstrap process in the hypercube.

Keywords: bootstrap percolation; extremal combinatorics; hypercube; percolation

Mixing Circular Colourings

Author(s): Brewster; Noel

Question   Is $ \mathfrak{M}_c(G) $ always rational?

Keywords: discrete homotopy; graph colourings; mixing

Total Colouring Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Behzad

Conjecture   A total coloring of a graph $ G = (V,E) $ is an assignment of colors to the vertices and the edges of $ G $ such that every pair of adjacent vertices, every pair of adjacent edges and every vertex and incident edge pair, receive different colors. The total chromatic number of a graph $ G $, $ \chi''(G) $, equals the minimum number of colors needed in a total coloring of $ G $. It is an old conjecture of Behzad that for every graph $ G $, the total chromatic number equals the maximum degree of a vertex in $ G $, $ \Delta(G) $ plus one or two. In other words, \[\chi''(G)=\Delta(G)+1\ \ or \ \ \Delta(G)+2.\]

Keywords: Total coloring

Ádám's Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Ádám

Conjecture   Every digraph with at least one directed cycle has an arc whose reversal reduces the number of directed cycles.


Algebraic independence of pi and e ★★★


Conjecture   $ \pi $ and $ e $ are algebraically independent

Keywords: algebraic independence

Acyclic edge-colouring ★★

Author(s): Fiamcik

Conjecture   Every simple graph with maximum degree $ \Delta $ has a proper $ (\Delta+2) $-edge-colouring so that every cycle contains edges of at least three distinct colours.

Keywords: edge-coloring

Hedetniemi's Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Hedetniemi

Conjecture   If $ G,H $ are simple finite graphs, then $ \chi(G \times H) = \min \{ \chi(G), \chi(H) \} $.

Here $ G \times H $ is the tensor product (also called the direct or categorical product) of $ G $ and $ H $.

Keywords: categorical product; coloring; homomorphism; tensor product

MSO alternation hierarchy over pictures ★★

Author(s): Grandjean

Question   Is the MSO-alternation hierarchy strict for pictures that are balanced, in the sense that the width and the length are polynomially (or linearly) related.

Keywords: FMT12-LesHouches; MSO, alternation hierarchy; picture languages