Recent Activity
Unconditional derandomization of Arthur-Merlin games ★★★
Keywords: Arthur-Merlin; Hitting Sets; unconditional
Subset-sums equality (pigeonhole version) ★★★

Keywords: polynomial algorithm; search problem
Weak pentagon problem ★★
Author(s): Samal

Keywords: Clebsch graph; cut-continuous mapping; edge-coloring; homomorphism; pentagon
Lonely runner conjecture ★★★

Keywords: diophantine approximation; view obstruction
Mapping planar graphs to odd cycles ★★★
Author(s): Jaeger

Keywords: girth; homomorphism; planar graph
5-local-tensions ★★
Author(s): DeVos

Concavity of van der Waerden numbers ★★
Author(s): Landman
For and
positive integers, the (mixed) van der Waerden number
is the least positive integer
such that every (red-blue)-coloring of
admits either a
-term red arithmetic progression or an
-term blue arithmetic progression.

Keywords: arithmetic progression; van der Waerden
Circular coloring triangle-free subcubic planar graphs ★★

Keywords: circular coloring; planar graph; triangle free
List colorings of edge-critical graphs ★★
Author(s): Mohar

Keywords: edge-coloring; list coloring
Aharoni-Berger conjecture ★★★

Keywords: independent set; matroid; partition
The large sets conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Brown; Graham; Landman

Keywords: 2-large sets; large sets
Ramsey properties of Cayley graphs ★★★
Author(s): Alon

Keywords: Cayley graph; Ramsey number
Bases of many weights ★★★
Let be an (additive) abelian group, and for every

The Erdos-Turan conjecture on additive bases ★★★★
Let . The representation function
is given by the rule
. We call
an additive basis if
is never

Keywords: additive basis; representation function
Rota's unimodal conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Rota
Let be a matroid of rank
, and for
be the number of closed sets of rank

Keywords: flat; log-concave; matroid
A conjecture on iterated circumcentres ★★
Author(s): Goddyn

Keywords: periodic; plane geometry; sequence
Unions of triangle free graphs ★★★

Keywords: forbidden subgraph; infinite graph; triangle free
The Two Color Conjecture ★★
Author(s): Neumann-Lara

Half-integral flow polynomial values ★★
Author(s): Mohar
Let be the flow polynomial of a graph
. So for every positive integer
, the value
equals the number of nowhere-zero
-flows in

Keywords: nowhere-zero flow
Gao's theorem for nonabelian groups ★★
Author(s): DeVos
For every finite multiplicative group , let
) denote the smallest integer
so that every sequence of
elements of
has a subsequence of length
) which has product equal to 1 in some order.

Keywords: subsequence sum; zero sum