
Davenport's constant ★★★


For a finite (additive) abelian group $ G $, the Davenport constant of $ G $, denoted $ s(G) $, is the smallest integer $ t $ so that every sequence of elements of $ G $ with length $ \ge t $ has a nontrivial subsequence which sums to zero.

Conjecture   $ s( {\mathbb Z}_n^d) = d(n-1) + 1 $

Keywords: Davenport constant; subsequence sum; zero sum

Strong edge colouring conjecture ★★

Author(s): Erdos; Nesetril

A strong edge-colouring of a graph $ G $ is a edge-colouring in which every colour class is an induced matching; that is, any two vertices belonging to distinct edges with the same colour are not adjacent. The strong chromatic index $ s\chi'(G) $ is the minimum number of colours in a strong edge-colouring of $ G $.

Conjecture   $$s\chi'(G) \leq \frac{5\Delta^2}{4}, \text{if $\Delta$ is even,}$$ $$s\chi'(G) \leq \frac{5\Delta^2-2\Delta +1}{4},&\text{if $\Delta$ is odd.}$$


Something like Picard for 1-forms ★★

Author(s): Elsner

Conjecture   Let $ D $ be the open unit disk in the complex plane and let $ U_1,\dots,U_n $ be open sets such that $ \bigcup_{j=1}^nU_j=D\setminus\{0\} $. Suppose there are injective holomorphic functions $ f_j : U_j \to \mathbb{C}, $ $ j=1,\ldots,n, $ such that for the differentials we have $ {\rm d}f_j={\rm d}f_k $ on any intersection $ U_j\cap U_k $. Then those differentials glue together to a meromorphic 1-form on $ D $.

Keywords: Essential singularity; Holomorphic functions; Picard's theorem; Residue of 1-form; Riemann surfaces

Roller Coaster permutations ★★★

Author(s): Ahmed; Snevily

Let $ S_n $ denote the set of all permutations of $ [n]=\set{1,2,\ldots,n} $. Let $ i(\pi) $ and $ d(\pi) $ denote respectively the number of increasing and the number of decreasing sequences of contiguous numbers in $ \pi $. Let $ X(\pi) $ denote the set of subsequences of $ \pi $ with length at least three. Let $ t(\pi) $ denote $ \sum_{\tau\in X(\pi)}(i(\tau)+d(\tau)) $.

A permutation $ \pi\in S_n $ is called a Roller Coaster permutation if $ t(\pi)=\max_{\tau\in S_n}t(\tau) $. Let $ RC(n) $ be the set of all Roller Coaster permutations in $ S_n $.

Conjecture   For $ n\geq 3 $,
    \item If $ n=2k $, then $ |RC(n)|=4 $. \item If $ n=2k+1 $, then $ |RC(n)|=2^j $ with $ j\leq k+1 $.
Conjecture  (Odd Sum conjecture)   Given $ \pi\in RC(n) $,
    \item If $ n=2k+1 $, then $ \pi_j+\pi_{n-j+1} $ is odd for $ 1\leq j\leq k $. \item If $ n=2k $, then $ \pi_j + \pi_{n-j+1} = 2k+1 $ for all $ 1\leq j\leq k $.


Decomposing eulerian graphs ★★★


Conjecture   If $ G $ is a 6-edge-connected Eulerian graph and $ P $ is a 2-transition system for $ G $, then $ (G,P) $ has a compaible decomposition.

Keywords: cover; cycle; Eulerian

Lovász Path Removal Conjecture ★★

Author(s): Lovasz

Conjecture   There is an integer-valued function $ f(k) $ such that if $ G $ is any $ f(k) $-connected graph and $ x $ and $ y $ are any two vertices of $ G $, then there exists an induced path $ P $ with ends $ x $ and $ y $ such that $ G-V(P) $ is $ k $-connected.


Bouchet's 6-flow conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Bouchet

Conjecture   Every bidirected graph with a nowhere-zero $ k $-flow for some $ k $, has a nowhere-zero $ 6 $-flow.

Keywords: bidirected graph; nowhere-zero flow

Finite entailment of Positive Horn logic ★★

Author(s): Martin

Question   Positive Horn logic (pH) is the fragment of FO involving exactly $ \exists, \forall, \wedge, = $. Does the fragment $ pH \wedge \neg pH $ have the finite model property?

Keywords: entailment; finite satisfiability; horn logic

Which lattices occur as intervals in subgroup lattices of finite groups? ★★★★



There exists a finite lattice that is not an interval in the subgroup lattice of a finite group.

Keywords: congruence lattice; finite groups

Weighted colouring of hexagonal graphs. ★★

Author(s): McDiarmid; Reed

Conjecture   There is an absolute constant $ c $ such that for every hexagonal graph $ G $ and vertex weighting $ p:V(G)\rightarrow \mathbb{N} $, $$\chi(G,p) \leq \frac{9}{8}\omega(G,p) + c $$


Tarski's exponential function problem ★★

Author(s): Tarski

Conjecture   Is the theory of the real numbers with the exponential function decidable?

Keywords: Decidability

Jaeger's modular orientation conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Jaeger

Conjecture   Every $ 4k $-edge-connected graph can be oriented so that $ {\mathit indegree}(v) - {\mathit outdegree}(v) \cong 0 $ (mod $ 2k+1 $) for every vertex $ v $.

Keywords: nowhere-zero flow; orientation

Partition of a cubic 3-connected graphs into paths of length 2. ★★

Author(s): Kelmans

Problem   Does every $ 3 $-connected cubic graph on $ 3k $ vertices admit a partition into $ k $ paths of length $ 2 $?


4-connected graphs are not uniquely hamiltonian ★★

Author(s): Fleischner

Conjecture   Every $ 4 $-connected graph with a Hamilton cycle has a second Hamilton cycle.


Outward reloid of composition vs composition of outward reloids ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   For every composable funcoids $ f $ and $ g $ $$(\mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{out}}(g\circ f)\sqsupseteq(\mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{out}}g\circ(\mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{out}}f.$$

Keywords: outward reloid

F_d versus F_{d+1} ★★★

Author(s): Krajicek

Problem   Find a constant $ k $ such that for any $ d $ there is a sequence of tautologies of depth $ k $ that have polynomial (or quasi-polynomial) size proofs in depth $ d+1 $ Frege system $ F_{d+1} $ but requires exponential size $ F_d $ proofs.

Keywords: Frege system; short proof

3-flow conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Tutte

Conjecture   Every 4-edge-connected graph has a nowhere-zero 3-flow.

Keywords: nowhere-zero flow

Ádám's Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Ádám

Conjecture   Every digraph with at least one directed cycle has an arc whose reversal reduces the number of directed cycles.


Fractional Hadwiger ★★

Author(s): Harvey; Reed; Seymour; Wood

Conjecture   For every graph $ G $,
(a) $ \chi_f(G)\leq\text{had}(G) $
(b) $ \chi(G)\leq\text{had}_f(G) $
(c) $ \chi_f(G)\leq\text{had}_f(G) $.

Keywords: fractional coloring, minors

MSO alternation hierarchy over pictures ★★

Author(s): Grandjean

Question   Is the MSO-alternation hierarchy strict for pictures that are balanced, in the sense that the width and the length are polynomially (or linearly) related.

Keywords: FMT12-LesHouches; MSO, alternation hierarchy; picture languages

57-regular Moore graph? ★★★

Author(s): Hoffman; Singleton

Question   Does there exist a 57-regular graph with diameter 2 and girth 5?

Keywords: cage; Moore graph

4-flow conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Tutte

Conjecture   Every bridgeless graph with no Petersen minor has a nowhere-zero 4-flow.

Keywords: minor; nowhere-zero flow; Petersen graph

Partition of Complete Geometric Graph into Plane Trees ★★


Conjecture   Every complete geometric graph with an even number of vertices has a partition of its edge set into plane (i.e. non-crossing) spanning trees.

Keywords: complete geometric graph, edge colouring

Degenerate colorings of planar graphs ★★★

Author(s): Borodin

A graph $ G $ is $ k $-degenerate if every subgraph of $ G $ has a vertex of degree $ \le k $.

Conjecture   Every simple planar graph has a 5-coloring so that for $ 1 \le k \le 4 $, the union of any $ k $ color classes induces a $ (k-1) $-degenerate graph.

Keywords: coloring; degenerate; planar

Perfect cuboid ★★


Conjecture   Does a perfect cuboid exist?


A diagram about funcoids and reloids ★★

Author(s): Porton

Define for posets with order $ \sqsubseteq $:

  1. $ \Phi_{\ast} f = \lambda b \in \mathfrak{B}: \bigcup \{ x \in \mathfrak{A} \mid f x \sqsubseteq b \} $;
  2. $ \Phi^{\ast} f = \lambda b \in \mathfrak{A}: \bigcap \{ x \in \mathfrak{B} \mid f x \sqsupseteq b \} $.

Note that the above is a generalization of monotone Galois connections (with $ \max $ and $ \min $ replaced with suprema and infima).

Then we have the following diagram:

What is at the node "other" in the diagram is unknown.

Conjecture   "Other" is $ \lambda f\in\mathsf{FCD}: \top $.
Question   What repeated applying of $ \Phi_{\ast} $ and $ \Phi^{\ast} $ to "other" leads to? Particularly, does repeated applying $ \Phi_{\ast} $ and/or $ \Phi^{\ast} $ to the node "other" lead to finite or infinite sets?

Keywords: Galois connections

Mapping planar graphs to odd cycles ★★★

Author(s): Jaeger

Conjecture   Every planar graph of girth $ \ge 4k $ has a homomorphism to $ C_{2k+1} $.

Keywords: girth; homomorphism; planar graph

Arc-disjoint directed cycles in regular directed graphs ★★

Author(s): Alon; McDiarmid; Molloy

Conjecture   If $ G $ is a $ k $-regular directed graph with no parallel arcs, then $ G $ contains a collection of $ {k+1 \choose 2} $ arc-disjoint directed cycles.


List Total Colouring Conjecture ★★

Author(s): Borodin; Kostochka; Woodall

Conjecture   If $ G $ is the total graph of a multigraph, then $ \chi_\ell(G)=\chi(G) $.

Keywords: list coloring; Total coloring; total graphs

Random stable roommates ★★

Author(s): Mertens

Conjecture   The probability that a random instance of the stable roommates problem on $ n \in 2{\mathbb N} $ people admits a solution is $ \Theta( n ^{-1/4} ) $.

Keywords: stable marriage; stable roommates

Decomposition of completions of reloids ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   For composable reloids $ f $ and $ g $ it holds
    \item $ \operatorname{Compl} ( g \circ f) = ( \operatorname{Compl} g) \circ f $ if $ f $ is a co-complete reloid; \item $ \operatorname{CoCompl} ( f \circ g) = f \circ \operatorname{CoCompl} g $ if $ f $ is a complete reloid; \item $ \operatorname{CoCompl} ( ( \operatorname{Compl} g) \circ f) = \operatorname{Compl} ( g \circ   ( \operatorname{CoCompl} f)) = ( \operatorname{Compl} g) \circ ( \operatorname{CoCompl} f) $; \item $ \operatorname{Compl} ( g \circ ( \operatorname{Compl} f)) = \operatorname{Compl} ( g \circ   f) $; \item $ \operatorname{CoCompl} ( ( \operatorname{CoCompl} g) \circ f) = \operatorname{CoCompl} ( g   \circ f) $.

Keywords: co-completion; completion; reloid

Hoàng-Reed Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Hoang; Reed

Conjecture   Every digraph in which each vertex has outdegree at least $ k $ contains $ k $ directed cycles $ C_1, \ldots, C_k $ such that $ C_j $ meets $ \cup_{i=1}^{j-1}C_i $ in at most one vertex, $ 2 \leq j \leq k $.


What is the smallest number of disjoint spanning trees made a graph Hamiltonian ★★

Author(s): Goldengorin

We are given a complete simple undirected weighted graph $ G_1=(V,E) $ and its first arbitrary shortest spanning tree $ T_1=(V,E_1) $. We define the next graph $ G_2=(V,E\setminus E_1) $ and find on $ G_2 $ the second arbitrary shortest spanning tree $ T_2=(V,E_2) $. We continue similarly by finding $ T_3=(V,E_3) $ on $ G_3=(V,E\setminus \cup_{i=1}^{2}E_i) $, etc. Let k be the smallest number of disjoint shortest spanning trees as defined above and let $ T^{k}=(V,\cup_{i=1}^{k}E_i) $ be the graph obtained as union of all $ k $ disjoint trees.

Question 1. What is the smallest number of disjoint spanning trees creates a graph $ T^{k} $ containing a Hamiltonian path.

Question 2. What is the smallest number of disjoint spanning trees creates a graph $ T^{k} $ containing a shortest Hamiltonian path?

Questions 3 and 4. Replace in questions 1 and 2 a shortest spanning tree by a 1-tree. What is the smallest number of disjoint 1-trees creates a Hamiltonian graph? What is the smallest number of disjoint 1-trees creates a graph containing a shortest Hamiltonian cycle?

Keywords: 1-trees; cycle; Hamitonian path; spanning trees

Edge list coloring conjecture ★★★


Conjecture   Let $ G $ be a loopless multigraph. Then the edge chromatic number of $ G $ equals the list edge chromatic number of $ G $.


Universal Steiner triple systems ★★

Author(s): Grannell; Griggs; Knor; Skoviera

Problem   Which Steiner triple systems are universal?

Keywords: cubic graph; Steiner triple system

Strong 5-cycle double cover conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Arthur; Hoffmann-Ostenhof

Conjecture   Let $ C $ be a circuit in a bridgeless cubic graph $ G $. Then there is a five cycle double cover of $ G $ such that $ C $ is a subgraph of one of these five cycles.

Keywords: cycle cover

Even vs. odd latin squares ★★★

Author(s): Alon; Tarsi

A latin square is even if the product of the signs of all of the row and column permutations is 1 and is odd otherwise.

Conjecture   For every positive even integer $ n $, the number of even latin squares of order $ n $ and the number of odd latin squares of order $ n $ are different.

Keywords: latin square

Sum of prime and semiprime conjecture ★★

Author(s): Geoffrey Marnell

Conjecture   Every even number greater than $ 10 $ can be represented as the sum of an odd prime number and an odd semiprime .

Keywords: prime; semiprime

P vs. PSPACE ★★★

Author(s): Folklore

Problem   Is there a problem that can be computed by a Turing machine in polynomial space and unbounded time but not in polynomial time? More formally, does P = PSPACE?

Keywords: P; PSPACE; separation; unconditional

Reed's omega, delta, and chi conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Reed

For a graph $ G $, we define $ \Delta(G) $ to be the maximum degree, $ \omega(G) $ to be the size of the largest clique subgraph, and $ \chi(G) $ to be the chromatic number of $ G $.

Conjecture   $ \chi(G) \le \ceil{\frac{1}{2}(\Delta(G)+1) + \frac{1}{2}\omega(G)} $ for every graph $ G $.

Keywords: coloring

Partitioning the Projective Plane ★★

Author(s): Noel

Throughout this post, by projective plane we mean the set of all lines through the origin in $ \mathbb{R}^3 $.

Definition   Say that a subset $ S $ of the projective plane is octahedral if all lines in $ S $ pass through the closure of two opposite faces of a regular octahedron centered at the origin.
Definition   Say that a subset $ S $ of the projective plane is weakly octahedral if every set $ S'\subseteq S $ such that $ |S'|=3 $ is octahedral.
Conjecture   Suppose that the projective plane can be partitioned into four sets, say $ S_1,S_2,S_3 $ and $ S_4 $ such that each set $ S_i $ is weakly octahedral. Then each $ S_i $ is octahedral.

Keywords: Partitioning; projective plane

Choice Number of k-Chromatic Graphs of Bounded Order ★★

Author(s): Noel

Conjecture   If $ G $ is a $ k $-chromatic graph on at most $ mk $ vertices, then $ \text{ch}(G)\leq \text{ch}(K_{m*k}) $.

Keywords: choosability; complete multipartite graph; list coloring

Complexity of the H-factor problem. ★★

Author(s): Kühn; Osthus

An $ H $-factor in a graph $ G $ is a set of vertex-disjoint copies of $ H $ covering all vertices of $ G $.

Problem  Let $ c $ be a fixed positive real number and $ H $ a fixed graph. Is it NP-hard to determine whether a graph $ G $ on $ n $ vertices and minimum degree $ cn $ contains and $ H $-factor?


Friendly partitions ★★

Author(s): DeVos

A friendly partition of a graph is a partition of the vertices into two sets so that every vertex has at least as many neighbours in its own class as in the other.

Problem   Is it true that for every $ r $, all but finitely many $ r $-regular graphs have friendly partitions?

Keywords: edge-cut; partition; regular

Beneš Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Beneš

Let $ E $ be a non-empty finite set. Given a partition $ \bf h $ of $ E $, the stabilizer of $ \bf h $, denoted $ S(\bf h) $, is the group formed by all permutations of $ E $ preserving each block of $ \mathbf h $.

Problem  ($ \star $)   Find a sufficient condition for a sequence of partitions $ {\bf h}_1, \dots, {\bf h}_\ell $ of $ E $ to be complete, i.e. such that the product of their stabilizers $ S({\bf h}_1) S({\bf h}_2) \dots S({\bf h}_\ell) $ is equal to the whole symmetric group $ \frak S(E) $ on $ E $. In particular, what about completeness of the sequence $ \bf h,\delta(\bf h),\dots,\delta^{\ell-1}(\bf h) $, given a partition $ \bf h $ of $ E $ and a permutation $ \delta $ of $ E $?
Conjecture  (Beneš)   Let $ \bf u $ be a uniform partition of $ E $ and $ \varphi $ be a permutation of $ E $ such that $ \bf u\wedge\varphi(\bf u)=\bf 0 $. Suppose that the set $ \big(\varphi S({\bf u})\big)^{n} $ is transitive, for some integer $ n\ge2 $. Then $$ \frak S(E) = \big(\varphi S({\bf u})\big)^{2n-1}. $$


2-accessibility of primes ★★

Author(s): Landman; Robertson

Question   Is the set of prime numbers 2-accessible?

Keywords: monochromatic diffsequences; primes

3-Decomposition Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Arthur; Hoffmann-Ostenhof

Conjecture   (3-Decomposition Conjecture) Every connected cubic graph $ G $ has a decomposition into a spanning tree, a family of cycles and a matching.

Keywords: cubic graph

Fixed-point logic with counting ★★

Author(s): Blass

Question   Can either of the following be expressed in fixed-point logic plus counting:
    \item Given a graph, does it have a perfect matching, i.e., a set $ M $ of edges such that every vertex is incident to exactly one edge from $ M $? \item Given a square matrix over a finite field (regarded as a structure in the natural way, as described in [BGS02]), what is its determinant?

Keywords: Capturing PTime; counting quantifiers; Fixed-point logic; FMT03-Bedlewo

Magic square of squares ★★

Author(s): LaBar

Question   Does there exist a $ 3\times 3 $ magic square composed of distinct perfect squares?


Generalized path-connectedness in proximity spaces ★★

Author(s): Porton

Let $ \delta $ be a proximity.

A set $ A $ is connected regarding $ \delta $ iff $ \forall X,Y \in \mathscr{P} A \setminus \{ \emptyset \} : \left( X \cup Y = A \Rightarrow X \mathrel{\delta} Y \right) $.

Conjecture   The following statements are equivalent for every endofuncoid $ \mu $ and a set $ U $:
    \item $ U $ is connected regarding $ \mu $. \item For every $ a, b \in U $ there exists a totally ordered set $ P \subseteq   U $ such that $ \min P = a $, $ \max P = b $, and for every partion $ \{ X, Y \} $ of $ P $ into two sets $ X $, $ Y $ such that $ \forall x \in X, y \in Y : x < y $, we have $ X \mathrel{[ \mu]^{\ast}} Y $.

Keywords: connected; connectedness; proximity space